Greyhound injuries seem to happen when you least expect it. Lyric is not a busy dog nor hard on her body. We all have been having alot of down time from dog shows and training since Whisper has had her puppies. Well I came home one night and noticed Lyric had broken her tail. How is a mystery since she had sleeping most of the day on the couch.
At least as far as injuries go it is relatively minor. Johnson and Johnson clear tape wrapped several times over the fracture and extending above and below the injury typically "sets" it in a normal position. The tape is replaced only if needed. After several weeks the tape is removed and the tail has healed in a normal position.
Aww, poor girl! That had to hurt!
Heal well. Maybe she sat on it wrong :)
she does have a lovely long tail!! hope it heals well!!
That is a beautiful long tail! I hope it heals nicely. It's a shame they can't talk and let you know how it happened:)
Ouch! I hope it heals well. Zephyr's done that, but I didn't get it aligned as nice as you and it has a little bump.
Its always something!
I SWEAR she slept on the couch or a dog bed 90% of the day. The rest of the time she followed me around begging for treats, then she'd go back to sleep. I have no idea how she broke her tail, but of course it had to be on my watch. :(
Poor girl! Hope she heals quickly! Thanks for sharing the tip. :)
I've read that "tail-wag trauma" is common for that breed. Yeah, those long tails when they banged on something can break and ouch! I hope the dog is ok by now and won't be incidents of that happening again. I guess not allowing him into narrower spaces will help avoid banging. My dog is a pointer so he had his tail broken one time and it was frightening for me. Good thing that I've been reading on first aid for dogs plus delving on information regarding broken tails in dogs. For more information, see this awesome resource page
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