Sunday, February 8, 2009
Last night I hardly slept at all. Today I take my beautiful Pearl (Aragon Mystic Pearl) home to Keswick VA (Charlottesville). We got up about 5:30 as usual – Helen feeding and playing with

the puppies. I packed and got ready to go. Donna and her friend Judy came by around 9 to pick up Becca and Sterling. As soon as they left we loaded up the van and were off to the airport.
We were hoping that Pearl could fly in the cabin in a Sherpa but it wasn’t to be. She was just too big. She had to go into baggage compartment for the 5 hour flight. Helen was pretty emotional losing three of her puppies in one day. It was very hard saying goodbye. The flight was calm and we arrived at around 9 pm EST. I was met with a wheel chair – I have trouble walking in airports and carrying things. We immediately went to pick up Pearl. She was not there yet so my attendant got me a porter who got my luggage and the three of us waited for Pearl. When she came I whisked her out of the crate and into my arms. She had not even pottied in the crate. I wrapped her in my coat and we all proceeded immediately across the parking lot to the Valet Parking. As soon as my van came I put Pearl in a bigger crate with pee pads and she relieved herself. It took about a half hour to get arranged before we were on the road.
I had no idea how to get out of Dulles Airport so I hit HOME on my GPS and ended up on a road I did not recognize and had no idea where I was – to the chorus of Pearl’s very loud complaints. I was on the phone with Helen - trying to talk over Pearl – when she bounded into my lap. How did she ever get out of the crate? I must have not latched it correctly. Of course it was now about 11 pm and I was in the middle of a highway with no way to stop and a very rambunctious puppy in my arms. After about 10 minutes I was able to stop and put her back in her crate. She continued to cry for about an hour. I have found there are definite benefits to being profoundly hearing impaired. When all is noise – take out the hearing aids, at least the shrill sound is diluted.

It took about 2 ½ hours to get home. We arrived about 12:45 am in the morning. After feeding, watering, and playing with Pearl and unloading the car, I was EXHAUSTED. We finally crashed around 3 am. I in bed and Pearl in her crate. Up twice during the night to potty and then up at 7 am.
Monday, Feburary 9, 2009
Off to the chiropractor at 9 and then pick up JD, my male greyhound and Bug, my IG.
Pearl immediately tried to crawl on Bug and then bit her. Since Pearl at 9 weeks old is about 8 pounds heavier than Bug and Bug has only 3 teeth – Bug was terrorized. On to JD. JD was a little reticent but allowed Pearl to be around him. That night I finally persuaded JD to let Bug curl up with him and sleep.
Wednesday, Feb 11, 2009

Today Bug ventured outside while Pearl was out there.
Pearl has two favorite outside toys – a shearling Frisbee and her water bottle filled with rocks ( like a rattle). JD and Pearl also played chase. Pearl was up under the bushes racing back and forth up on the terraced part and JD was below racing back and forth on the ground. I felt it was safe as there were so many bushes between but it was evident that they were playing chase as they went back and forth about 10 times.
I had to go out Wednesday night and it rained while I was gone. It has stopped by the time I got home I went to take Pearl out and discovered that JD had taken all of her new toys that he could get a hold of ( about 5) and had dragged them through the dog door and out into the yard and rain; including the really big ones. I’m just glad he could not get to all of them. I really thought it was funny.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Pearl has learned to go in and out the dog door in the sliding glass door. I also tell JD to take her out and down the stairs to potty her and he does. It really saves my legs.

A friend brought a long horse whip to tie a toy to to have Pearl chase. It was a nice gift for Pearl. She loves it. Helen showed me hers and now we have one too. It teaches them to lure course.