To encourage Lyric I took in to the agility building and played with her over the practice jump. Lots of encouragement for quick returns to hand. We also did what our trainer Nancy called running heel. We would run as fast as I could with her trying to outrun me but paying attention to staying with me. Then I would throw a food or toy reward out ahead of me or sometime it would be in hand. The whole idea is a fun game of chase. By paying attention and staying with me she gets her reward.
So I waited nervously for her turn. Finally it was our run and she seemed comfortable entering the ring. I had decided no leadouts this trial rather run with her from the start. She ran the course with no refusals and no indication of wanting to leave the ring. She did however seem slow and unsure of her self. We definitely haven't worked as a team for long. Our cues to each other are rusty. I was unsure how much she remembered-at one point I questioned could she do a wrap for right handed weavepoles(she could). She qualified and earned first place-and her first leg.
Her run the next day was more confident but she NQ by taking a wrong entrance to the tunnel. The rest of the run was good. By the third day she was enjoying the attention and actually pulled me into the agility building to "play" and have her turn.
Her third run was another qualifying run and she handled more confidently more responsive than her previous runs. I love her attitude at the completion of the third run. She was headed straight for the exit and could have left. Instead she quickly and happily came to her name. She earned her second leg with a second place.
After the trial and at home with her reward.

awesome! =D Go Lyric.
I think Lyric is appreciating Whisper for smoothing out your handling. You guys look great. Lyric kind of had that unsure look, but each time you were there and clearly guiding her to what was next... giving her every reason to trust and to feel comfortable. Great job!
Way to go, Lyric and Helen!!
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