As adults the tail should be able to wrap between the legs and cross the midline.
A good puppy tail will drag on the ground when they are babies.
Somewhere around 3-6 months old the puppies “discover “ their tails and it becomes a play thing to be enjoyed. Chased and bitten like any other toy.
As adults the long tail begins acting as a rudder or balance for their turns.

One downside to such a long tail is it frequently gets caught in doors and or broken. Be careful of low objects on tables in reach of a wagging tail, they are coffee table cleaners! They can also hurt you if you are behind the greyhound that is happily wagging it's tail. The tail is skinny and bony and much like a whip. Some greyhounds are prone to what we call "Happy Tail". They wag so effusively that the tail will hit a wall or other object and split open, spraying small droplets of blood everywhere. You also have to be very careful when shutting the car door with your greyhound inside. Their tail can easily get caught!
Still, I think the tail is one of the best parts of the dog!
That is a cute video of Tanner! It almost looks like he wanted it to tug back.
I love the tail as well Murphy is 3and still finds it fascinating. Sometimes i think he thinks it's following him.
persevere with the life vests Murph is so so with swimming he doesn't mind being in the pool in summer when it's hot outside and very warm in it thanks to solar heating. Try him in a pool without solar heating and he will walk on water to get out.
We LOVE your blog! It's so neat to see the littermates as they grow. And the blue brindles... swoon!
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