Lyric likes to nurse toys. Never having a greyhound do this before I wondered if she was weaned before she was ready to stop nursing. It seems to occur only when she is ready to relax and sleep. Generally the nursing is confined to only two toys. I was suprised then to find some of Lyric's puppies-Becca and Echo-show the same behavior. Both Lyric and Echo have the same favorite "nursing" toy.

Knowing how they were raised and weaned I now wonder if if there is a genetic basis to the behavior. Below is Becca's story and video.
Nothing is more comforting that “nursing” your security blanket as seen in the video. Becca usually walks over to the throw in either the bedroom or kitchen; then with her paw, pulls back the edge to expose the fleece part and starts to nurse. Even though she’s 20 months old, she’s still very much a puppy in this respect.
I can't help it! I just have to say "Awww!" I recall some of ours doing that just after they've fallen asleep, but not to that degree, and not while they were awake. I do have one who thinks she needs to lick the couch while trying to fall asleep, though! :P
This happens a lot with Weimaraners (but neither of my two are sucklers). I believe it is genetic. Very cute!!
Aww, that is very cute! I have a six year old cat who loves to nurse my ear lobe. He can be very determined, especially in the morning when I'm laying unsuspecting in bed in the morning. I also thought it was related to leaving the mother too soon. It's neat to hear it could be genetic.
I hope you are all doing well. I missed seeing everyone in Lompoc this year.
That's really interesting. None of mine do that, but Katie does lick her arm pits when she is relaxed and resting... we call it masturbating. :-)
Nope, none of that here. When the boy is tired he doesn't mess around. He goes to sleep. End of story. :)
I haven't seen that before. We have had numerous breeds and can't say we had one do that.
That is cute but yes, probably slightly odd:-) Interesting about it probably being genetic. I haven't had a dog that does anything like this.
Way to go mom (Lyric) and sisters, (Echo and Becca). I thought maybe I was the only one who liked to nurse my toy. I have "gone through" several toys (trying to find the noise maker) and am now working on a soft black bear. It feels good in my mouth. My brothers don't seem to need the relaxation from this behavior.
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