They're here! They're here! Thanks to Lisa for taking the pictures!
The litter was born via c-section. Everybody came out healthy and vigorous. Whisper is recovering nicely. We will continue to update the blog so you can overdose on puppy cuteness!
This was from before the surgery. It is important to know how many are in there before you start fishing! How many do you count?

The surgery was performed by Gary Brown, D.V.M. of
Veterinary Orthopedic and Surgery Service. Here is a pic of Whisper and some of the surgery crew during pre-op. We knew Whisper was in the best hands with the crew from VOSS!

Here is the puppy crew. It is nice to have at least one person for each puppy. This way, each puppy gets the individual attention she or he deserves from the very moment it is born! Hmmm, do we have enough people?

All done. How many do you see?

In the end, we have 9 puppies! There are 5 girls and 4 boys and a nice mix of colors. There are 5 solids (2 blue brindles, 1 black, 2 dark brindles) and 4 parti's (1 black and 3 brindle). Here is the breakdown.

Here they are one at a time:
#1 Boy - Blue Brindle

#2 Girl - Black and White

#3 Boy - Dark Brindle

#4 Girl - Brindle and White

#5 Girl - Brindle and White

#6 Boy - Dark Brindle

#7 Boy - Brindle and White

#8 Girl - Black

#9 Girl - Blue Brindle

We will continue to update the blog with pictures and reports as often as we can. Come back often to get your puppy fix!