The best part of dog showing is getting together with friends. This year, Helen's house was Greyhound Headquarters / Grand Central Station! At one point there were 10 dogs and 13 people eating delicious indian food cooked by Sheryl Bartel of Helios Hounds ( in the house. We also enjoyed the company of Jennifer Bachelor of Never Say Never Greyhounds ( and her friend Anna as well as new greyhound friend Karen and Toby (Chaparral Toblerone).
At the specialty on Saturday, Echo won Best in Sweeps and Darby won Best Opposite! Lyric also won an Award of Merit! We are very pleased with their performance. Tanner was unimpressed with the specialty and showed it by taking a very long pee break in the ring. All four puppies had a grand time in the ring and out visiting people and dogs.
The specialty was Andretti and Lisa's debut in Open A obedience. They did remarkably well but unfortunately did not qualify. Andretti did not see the point of the drop on recall and instead came swiftly to Lisa.
On Sunday, Tanner redeemed himself and won Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 4 point major! This is his second major and we are very excited to have it out of the way. Lyric decided not to let her kids out shine her and won the breed.
Monday was a winding down day as lots of our fellow greyhound exhibitors headed home and didn't show. Tanner was among them. Darby went reserve winners dog and Lyric once again won the breed. However, winning the breed wasn't enough for Lyric and she went on to win a Group 4!
During the down time puppies played and practiced obedience. Becca is the most advanced in obedience as she recently graduated 4th in her all breed competitive obedience class and is now in a more advanced class.

Not to be out done by her house mates, Whisper had a great weekend in agility. On Friday she earned her first Double-Q! When the weekend was over, she had an additional 37 MACH points. Videos to be posted later. She had a great time and would have earned more points except for some silly handler handler hours and slight miscalculations.
I had a great time meeting everyone in person and enjoying greyhounds from a different perspective. I promise to put my pictures in photo bucket or something soon.
Gostei de ler e ver imagens de animais muito interessantes deste Blog. Parabéns!
Carlos Alberto Borges
I wish I could make one of these events - we are so far off the beaten path!
Congratulations to your dogs!! Sounds like a fun time :)
Just wanted to stop by, say hello, and tell you about a coffee company that directly supports The Mobile Greyhound Adoption Center. So, if you're a coffee drinker (or know one) and want to lend a helping hand to homeless Greyhounds in need of a loving owner while you're sipping on your daily cup of coffee - check us out!
Green Tree Coffe & Tea donates $1 per pound of "dog friendly blend" coffee sold. :)
Take care and good luck in your future competitions!! Feel free to get in touch with me at any time via email ( or toll free at (877) 338-0040
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