Lyric's Litter

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Puppy video

Taken when they were 6 days old. You gotta love the adorable little squeaks and grunts. These pups are all quite active as well. Future puppy owners, look out! You are going to have your hands full!

The pups are three weeks old today. We will be uploading more pictures and videos this weekend!


  1. I want a cuddle:) So cute. Can't wait to see them now!

  2. Love them!! Wish we could have a GH puppy. :) My hubby says no way. We understand they can be hell on wheels for the first 2 years. I am up for the challenge, but he is not. They are all cute, but I am partial to the black/white ones. :)

  3. They are so darned cute! It's amazing how fast they grow.

  4. So, SOOOOOO darling!!!


  5. Any of these guys still available?

  6. Anonymous, sorry it took me so long to reply! Thanks for you interest in this litter! These pups were pretty much all spoken for before they were born. However, if you are interested in a greyhound puppy, I can probably help you find another reputable breeder looking for good puppy homes. Send an email to aragongreyhounds at if you have any questions or would like a referral.

  7. Michelle, all puppies are pretty much perpetual 2-year olds running with scissors! Greyhounds are no exception. However, the beautiful thing about greyhound puppies is that they are either on or off. They sleep a lot! The best way to deal with any puppy is to have an x-pen set up for them in the living area of the house. That way, when you can't watch them, you can pop them in the pen with some good chewies and toys. That keeps them from chewing up anything bad and gives them a safe place to play. It really isn't that bad!
