Lyric's Litter

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obedience Prospect?

One of the obedience problems greyhounds have is their reluctance to sit or down on hard surfaces for any length of time.
Perhaps if they start young enough or they think it is their own idea it will make it easier. Jewels found her own sleeping area away from the pack. Maybe she won't mind the long sit or down on a less than ideal surface?


  1. Hee hee! It's possible! Or maybe she'll be one of those Greyhounds who just always seems to be falling off the dog bed!

  2. You can't start that obedience training soon enough!! LOL!!


  3. That is starting young. Hopefully it's a good sign:) Perhaps it's something you can work on with all the puppies, getting them used to different surfaces, but you probably do that anyway:)
