Lyric's Litter

Friday, December 7, 2012

Then and Now - Part 1 Lyric's Litter

Recently a friend asked me to evaluate her new greyhound puppy. It may seem like a simple request but each line develops so differently, what may be normal in one line maybe a problem in another.

There is an art to evaluating a litter, a skill that I am still perfecting. My mentor in the breed is a long time greyhound breeder Georgiana Mueller. I send photos of each litter to her for evaluating and try to learn from her comments.

Generally, greyhound puppies are best evaluated at 6 weeks before they go through growth spurts that cause them to look funny.

I am posting 6 week old puppy pictures and then grown up pictures of Whisper as a puppy as well as 5 puppies from Lyric's litter (Darby, Echo, Tanner, Bryn and Becca). Try to gauge for yourself what they will look like when they grow up. I will show pictures from Whisper's litter in the next post.

 Whisper at 8 wks

Whisper as an adult

Darby at 6 wks

Darby as an adult

Echo at 6 wks

Echo as an adult

Tanner at 6 wks

 Tanner as an adult

Bryn at 6 wks

Bryn as an adult

Becca at 6 wks

Becca as an adult

After looking at these pictures do you any similarities between the puppies and the adults?  What changed?  What stayed the same?

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