Lyric's Litter

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

During the Day

I spend a lot of time in the evening training the dogs and weekend competing or trialing. The dogs have a busy life but what do they do during the day when I am at work. Most days they go to work with me and sleep the day away.

As I have my own clinic it is easy to bring the dogs into work. They get exposed to a lot of new situations early on in their life. New dogs, new smells ,new people and at times lots of chaos.I think they learn to deal with new situations quite easily. I hear people talk about how difficult it is to travel with their greyhound(s), they stop eating, pant, pace etc. I have rarely experienced any problems traveling with my dogs and I think it is because of their early upbringing.

It can be a long day for puppies so I try to break up the day with play times. Lyric and Whisper grew up with a best friend Joey the Boston Terrier. During lunch, slow times in the clinic or just before going home the dogs would play.

To this day Lyric and Whisper love Boston Terriers. Unfortunately Joey  moved away before Echo and Breeze  arrived and needed a playmate.

Breeze took matters into her own paws by meeting a new friend. Since Pedro was behind the desk she jumped on the counter to meet him, Breeze is a true agility dog in the making.

When the day gets too long, asking for a little pat on the head passes the time.

1 comment:

  1. How fun, that's the kind of office I need to work in. I have been able to bring Zephyr and Astro to school a few times.
