Lyric's Litter

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Introducing Tanner RN!

This past weekend, Tanner finished his RN title in fine style.  The trial was held in a horse riding arena at a local fairground.  This was a new environment for Tanner and he handled it well.  Fortunately, we showed late in the day.  That gave him lots of time to acclimate to the new surroundings.

My main goal was to make his first several ring performances fun and low key.  I wanted him to have good experiences to build off of.  

He had a bit of a brain fart on the first sign so we had to repeat that station.  Otherwise, I was pretty pleased with how well he did. I love his nice focused heeling!  Towards the end, he started to get tired of having to stop and do stuff. I think he would prefer the longer heeling patterns in traditional obedience.  We are going to tackle Beginner Novice next.

The best part is that even though we had to repeat a station (our final score was a 96), we earned 4th place!


  1. Congrats again!! Nice performance and such a handsome boy. :) You will love Beginning Novice--I found it the least stressful of all the obedience that we've done.

    Donna and Sister, Becca

  2. Congratulations! You two look great together. Tanner has such a sweet face.

  3. You two are such a great team!

  4. Aww, lovely work:) Tanner really wants to do well, doesn't he:)
