Lyric's Litter

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Whisper at the Agility Nationals

Whisper and Helen competed at the AKC National Agility Championships this weekend.  The event isn't quite over but we wanted to report that they placed 9th out of 86 dogs!  They competed against some very, very good dogs and ended up beating many representatives of the more traditional breeds.

The whole event was quite a rush and as you can imagine, the two of them are quite exhausted.  

They will give us a full report when they return home next week and catch up on some sleep.


  1. That is so awesome! Congratulations to Whisper and Helen! I can't wait to hear about it.

  2. OMG Congratulations! Go Whisper and Helen, that's incredible!

  3. That's fantastic! Go Hounds!
