Lyric's Litter

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Echo's Second CD leg

At the obedience show last week I arrived with no treats, no camera, no video, no lunch and no snacks-only myself and Echo. Talk about unprepared and then flustered when I realized everything was sitting on my kitchen counter. Luckily friends came to the rescue. One went to the grocery store for dog rewards(most important) and one took the video of her novice routine and one calmed me down. She won her class with a first place and a 197.5. It was a day to be remembered-not often the goldens, shelties and border collies place below the greyhound in obedience.

Thank you Kathy, Susan and Terry for saving the day-and my sanity.


  1. Despite the "forgetfulness" at the start of the day, beautiful performance!!!!


  2. I added you to my recently wisited blog list.
    I admire people in USA - that what you do with sighthounds - it's amazing for me.
    Great performance!

  3. Great ending... considering the start of the day. I would be so flustered by that. :-)

  4. What a lovely round! Congratulations to both of you. Such a triumph after your bad start to the day!
