Lyric's Litter

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Agility Videos

Lyric earned her third Excellent Jumpers leg her first time back in the ring since her injury. She tore her lateral collateral toe ligament again last February and has been out for months with surgery and rehab. She doesn't like the hot weather-and Whisper had puppies this summer so we took a long break from agility.
This is her first attempt at her third leg. She did it and under course time.

I also ran Whisper in the same course-it feels strange to run two dogs in the same class now.


  1. It looks like Lyric has really made a full recovery! Both of the girls look great!

  2. I hope someday to have one of your puppies. Your girls are amazing! Whisper is sooooo beautiful on course, and Lyric is so laid back about it all. :)

