Lyric's Litter

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Santa Rosa Agility

A couple of weeks ago both Lyric and Whisper were entered in the Santa Rosa trials. Whisper of course in Excellent B Standard and Jumpers(more on her in the next blog) and Lyric in Excellent A Jumpers. Lyric did super and earned her first two legs that weekend. Ever since Lyric got hurt in a tunnel 2 1/2 yrs ago she has hated agility. A friend Lisa(of Darby) copied that run onto a DVD so I could post it here. If you watch with the sound up you can hear her reaction in the second tunnel-and certainly see her changed demeanor coming out of the tunnel. She wanted to be any place but in the ring.

It has been a struggle until recently to get her to willingly play the game again. Starting November of last year-when she earned her Open Jumpers title she has seemed to enjoy the attention and treats that go along with agility. She definitely is still a bit unsure of herself and what to do when the tension and excitment is on but she is now willing to eagerly try. Her two excellent jumpers runs are posted below.


  1. Those are awesome! I love how dainty and meticulous she is about the weave poles!

  2. Ouch (on the first video)!!--I remember that quite well since I was there with you at the trial. So happy that she's "forgotten" the dreaded tunnel experience! Yea, Lyric!!

    Donna and Becca

  3. Dainty and Meticulous. Hmmmm, I may borrow those words to describe Lyric's weave pole performances in the future. :)

  4. Wonderful progress, and I think I saw some tail wags in the last video. Here's hoping there are no more scary tunnel experiences:)
