Lyric's Litter

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Whisper's Agility Trials

After taking the summer off from agility trials Whisper and I entered a three day Labor Day weekend trial. Unfortunately it was a blistering hot outdoor trial. By midday it was at least 95 on the field. Our first time back in the agility ring we not only qualified but won a huge Jumpers class and QQed that day. Although the runs/handling was rusty as can be seen from our first day runs we both came out feeling good about working together. During her standard run her A frame contact is weak(she runs off although she is suppose to do a 2on/2off position). Although I am not always good at directing her correctly to the next obstacle, at least I am getting to be a good enough handler to figure out how to get out of unexpected situations during the runs. I love her standard weave pole entrance.

The next day we NQed by a cats whisker with both runs. In the jumpers run she knocked a bar with her tail. In the standard run she went to the table and went to the back to jump on. She does not like the table because of the position required. Hopefully with the new AKC rule change to no position on the table she will learn that she can stand.

Our last day we earned another 1st place in Jumpers ,QQed again and picked up 82 points more towards our MACH.


  1. Great job...I am so excited about the new table rule. Jennifer just mentioned it and that makes agility a possible for me and Creel! He just is not much of a sitter yet..something to work on but NOT for the table.

  2. Fantastic Job by you both! Whisper looks like she is having a lot of fun

  3. It's lovely to see a greyhound having so much fun, and aren't the weaves going well! Very stylish too:-)

  4. LOVE watching the Whisp, especially her maneuvering the weave poles!!

