Lyric's Litter

Friday, July 2, 2010

Echo Starts Agility

Echo started her first agility class this month. Up until now we have been working on individual and two jumps sequences and individual contacts. Time to move on. She started her first class at Power Paws. Unfortunately as there was no room in a novice class she had to enter an intermediate level class. Some of her classmates are actively competing at the Excellent level. Much more difficult moves than we had been practicing(serpentines? huh? 270s? who would have thought...right handed weavepoles? I don't think so!)

Even though the class was way above our head and we had to stop to reward every few obstacles I was pleased she tried and worked with me instead of trying to play with the other dogs.
Weavepoles we have a long way to go. We have been out of guidewires only a handful of times. Obviously need much more practice for her to understand the concept on her own.

After looking at her enthusiam for the dog walk I decided it is a good thing AKC is not judging the upcontact of the dog walk after September of this year.


  1. I can't critique anybody else's agility abilities, but I love watching her work! She's beautiful!

  2. Looks like you'll have another super star in agility!!! :)


  3. Echo looked like she is really enjoying every bit of that ! She looks great! Go Echo !!

  4. I can't believe you hesitated to post that. She looks great! I'm looking forward to no up dog walk contacts also!

    I've never been comfortable running with a toy in my hand, but look at you with a lunge whip and lure. What a great idea. So very greyhound appropriate. And you look really comfortable carrying it. Riley would consider that a very high value reward.
