Lyric's Litter

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Road Trip to the Southern Specialty

I've Been Everywhere, Man......(as told by Darby's owner Lisa)

As Johnny Cash sings it, I doubt we will ever be able to claim that, but we're going to give it our best shot. Back at the end of January I decided that I was going to the GCA southern specialty in Ft. Worth Texas. It was a spontaneous decision, and a resolute one. I was going, I didn't bother to check and see who else was going like I usually do. A lot of my show attendance decisions in the past have been strongly influenced by the company I'd be keeping and how many dogs were going (logical). This decision wasn't based on anything other than my pride and strong held confidence in Darby, I didn't care who else was going. Well, that and my need for a road trip. :)

I've been so excited about this roadtrip, I started packing last week, even though we don't leave until Tuesday. It takes 26 hours to get to Ft. Worth, I'm giving us plenty of time to enjoy the drive. Today I packed my suitcase, and when the suitcase comes out, the dogs are 100% gung-ho with me. They're absolutely sure we're leaving TODAY. Andretti was so sure he planted himself in the big empty suitcase and refused to budge. He's never done that before, I think he might be a genius to have figured it out: suitcase = going away with the mom-lady, so therefore, I'll just be in the suitcase.

After I removed Andretti, Darby decided to see if there was something to this suitcase idea. I can't believe he actually fit. Later, after my camera battery died, he trotted off and came back with his favorite toy and proceeded to try and fit himself and the toy in the suitcase. It didn't work out too well; it's a big toy and he couldn't get it to fit.

But I do think it makes his butt look a little big, maybe something in black would be better?

The two of them played "Going on a Roadtrip" while I packed.

I'm not sure how I'm going to tell Dretti he's not going, it's not going to go over well. But I'm sure Darby will be thrilled to learn he won't be traveling Suitcase Class.

I'll be updating during the roadtrip. It starts Tuesday and we hope to be in Winslow by evening. Ha ha ha, we shall see but the California portion is pretty boring so lollygagging should be kept to a minimum. :)


  1. Oh my gosh, I love the pics. How cute of those two.

  2. Greyhound butts can never be too big!!! Funniest pictures ever!
