Lyric's Litter

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Champion

Today was Santa Clara Dog Show and we did it-Echo is now officially Ch Aragon Black Ice. She is the first puppy of the litter to finish her breed championship. She only needed one point to finish, today was two points in girls. After winning Winners Bitch I handed her to a tracking friend Sherrie to take in for Best of Breed. She handled beautifully and gaited extremely well for someone else-in fact the judge said she almost beat her mother for breed.

It is interesting to look at the variety of dogs and people at the dog show. Some one once told me people resemble their dogs. Not sure I look like a greyhound-terrier maybe.

Now onto performance sports. Since the beginning all of my greyhounds have had titles in front and behind their names. I firmly believe a greyhound can and should be pretty AND smart AND functional.