Lyric's Litter

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tracking Tests

Tracking season has started along with the frustration of entering tests. Whisper is ready for TDX tests but so far hasn't drawn into a test-she is an alternate.

Tracking is the only sport that randomly draws for enteries. That means even if you are the first entry sent and received you have no greater chance than the last dog's entry to get into the test. There are so few tests for so many dogs. Once the deadline closes all the enteries are put in a hat and the first dog drawn gets into the test and so on until the limit is reached. Since TDX tests are so much work and need so much land to plot the tracks generally only 2-3 tracks are offered. Occationally if a club is holding only a TDX test-not combined TD/TDX there may be 5 tracks offered. The most recent trial I entered offered 5 tracks with a 16 dog entry. If one is lucky enough to get in the test you still have to pass and the pass rate is only around 15%. One year I applied to every TDX test and never drew a track. Hopefully Whisper will be luckier.