Lyric's Litter

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Puppy overload!

I arrived here at puppy headquarters the night before last. I got a quick look at the puppies and then went to bed. Yesterday, I spent some time with them outside. I took each puppy out separately and walked around the yard. I also sat on the ground with each puppy and with it right in front of me, said it's name and immediately gave it a treat X5. I held a collar out and lured the puppy to put it's through the collar a couple times and the second time each puppy came out with me alone, I put a slight pressure on the collar and treated the puppy for giving to the pressure. They all did well. I have also been rewarding puppies for sitting and looking at me as opposed to jumping on me and eating my hair.

Last night, we put the three girls in one crate in the car, gave them each a fish skin chewy and drove around for 10 minutes. They did great! Then we came home, took the girls out and put the two boys in and gave them the same treatment. They all did really well! Tanner started to make some noise at the end because he finished his treat and Sterling still had his. Oh well!

Last night, as they were falling asleep, I took Tanner (my puppy) out and put him in his Sherpa with the top open, I gave him a fish skin chewy. I gave him lots of attention and focused on keeping him in the Sherpa and quiet. He did really well and when he started to fall asleep. I put him back in with his littermates.

Today, I just finished taking each puppy out again. I said their names and gave them treats at least five times. I clicked a clicker and gave them treats and worked with the collar again. Then, I took each on a walk around the yard.

Last night, we put them each through a tunnel and they did not balk at all. Then we let them play with it as a group. This morning when I put the tunnel in their yard outside, they decided it was more fun to jump on and smash the tunnel than to play in it! Sigh.

I will post more pics, I promise!

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