Lyric's Litter

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Return to Agility

Breeze has been out of agility since mid May with an injured toe. She went to chase a squirrel back up its tree and came back in with no lameness. Several hours later when I looked at her left inside toe I noticed it was swollen, but no lameness. Not thinking anything of the matter I rested her and the swelling lessened although didn't go totally away. I took her back to agility the following week and the toe swelled again to its original size. No lameness or evidence from her that her toe was injured but I didn't want to risk further injuries and a shortened performance career. So rest again for several weeks. Well after three weeks she escaped and ran the back yard. Once again the toe swelled so she was on exercise restriction for six weeks and then gradual increase in exercise. It was not a fun three and a half months but she entered her first agility trial Labor day weekend.

She had a blast and her toe was nonswollen. We were rusty understanding each other. We went from no Qs the first day to QQ the last day of the trial.

Agility here we come!!!!