Lyric's Litter

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Echo CDX

Last month Echo and I were in an obedience trial trying for her 3rd CDX leg and we did it!! The obedience trial was huge-33 dogs in her class. She ended up with a fourth place, not bad for a greyhound. She had a no finish which cost us a tie for first place. Oh well... I am so proud of her anyway. She has been my easiest dog in a long time to train for her CDX, 3 legs out of 6 attempts. Two were NQs due to not dropping on the cold or rainy wet ground-understandable for a greyhound. One was an NQ when she got up to do the broad jump on her name. I have always used their name then the command. After that NQ for anticipation, I changed to the command only. It worked well for Echo and I will probably change in the future and no longer use their name. If they are paying attention, they don't need the added cue of their name.

It's not all about work. When the dogs do something for me(like obedience etc) I try to take them out and let them have some fun of their chosing.

Echo is now my third VCD2 greyhound(Versatile Companion Dog). To earn a VCD2 the dog must have a CDX+TD+OA+OAJ. Now we look forward to Utility!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Website-

I am joining the modern world with a website for my dogs. Thanks to Tamara DePue for dragging me kicking and screaming into the modern era with this website. And thanks for spending countless hours putting it together both layout and editing. I also want to thank Lisa Stine for her editing work. Between the three of us and many months it is finally ready for viewing. It tells the story from my first greyhound "Z" to my current dogs "Lyric", "Whisper", "Echo", and "Breeze".
The address is Please come and visit!!